Image of man holding NO sign, fighting against Covid-19 New Normal & lockdownAUGUST 2020


Hello Sexy Friends & Followers! I'm afraid this isn't a NEWS VIEWS & SCREWS, it's an update concerning something we've been giving a lot of thought to for some time. We believe, one or two of the big escort portals have had it all their own way for far too long. Their sites leave a lot to be desired too...old fashioned in style, and clunky in operation. Competitors come and go, but it's fair to say, most of them offer NOTHING NEW. They're simply pages of listings, with very few of them offering comprehensive private messaging.

The nature of escorting was already changing before Covid. Younger clients were turning to cybersex, whereas older punters especially the well heeled, were moving more towards extended 'experiential luxury' meets with elite escorts. The market was kind of splitting and polarising, just like everything else right now in our green & not so pleasant land. Covid's hit physical escorting hard, and it looks like we're going to be stuck with it for 2-3 years. Instead of fighting for freedom and protesting over draconian measures brought in by Johnson Hancock & Co, the masses appear to have embraced the #StaySafe #Stayhome message. Most of them have no intention of reverting to the 'old normal' anytime soon, if ever. Yep, our country is in BIG TROUBLE, but that's not the subject of this article.

We'd been discussing the possibility of a new style of escort portal with others and sharing ideas for 18-24 months. It quickly became apparent that many 'influencers' were of the same opinion as ourselves, it's time for something refreshingly new.  FOSTA/SESTA legislation a couple of years ago changed the landscape across the Pond and raised fears here. Government select committees ummed and arhhhed but not much came of it, except Keith Vaz got caught with his pants down. It's only a matter of time though before things get tougher for the online escorting trade. Administrations are using Covid as cover to sneak draconian laws through, while the public is distracted. In the US, lawmakers are busy preparing legislation which will outlaw all adult content on mainstream social media platforms based in the US. Twitter is almost certain to remove NSFW content before long.

In the UK, one or two of the big escort portals have been less than helpful to their clients and service providers of late. Some sites are displaying messages on every web page lecturing users about Covid legislation, social distancing and close physical contact. In effect, they're frightening punters away, while upping their featured escort fees, and disabling booking forms. It's not surprising escort numbers are falling; Many of those who do still have profiles, when you go into them, you find they're not back working. We want to build a fresh site which,

  • allows escorts and clients to converse together in a similar manner to tweets
  • has encrypted private messaging
  • permits direct advertising of available escorts
  • is focused on physical meets and not cybersex
  • informs members about events
  • showcases whats trending in our industry
  • is fun to use

Another problem we have looming is the loss of cash; Covid fear is accelerating the move towards a cashless society. Activists are questioning the need for anybody to trade using cash; Some are going so far as to say self employed people are a problem as many deal in cash and by implication (in their eyes) that makes them tax dodgers. Cameron & Osborne's stated objective was originally to do away with cash by 2019; that never happened, as events were overtaken by the Brexit fiasco. Now though, #StaySafers are playing into Establishment's hands, and its just a matter of time before we lose it, or at least, find it so bloody hard to deal in it that many give up. This presents a problem for anyone wanting to make covert payments for sex, and it's something we've been wrestling with for 2-3 years. Payments are going to have to be made electronically, securely, and in secret. Blockchain is a possibility; Our new site needs to solve this problem too. This isn't easy as it sounds, without falling foul of 'trafficking', 'living off immoral earnings' & 'promoting prostitution' laws. Work in Progress. We're anticipating the cost of legal guidance to exceed that of  actual site development.

As fun50couple, we can build a basic platform which delivers much of the above, however, what we really need is additional financing to the tune of £10-20k. It's not really the kind of thing we want to advertise in public with a GoFundMe. Most of those kind of gigs are linked to American corporations anyway (GoFundMe is in bed with Facebook) ...we don't wanna go there.  The older we get and the more we talk to punters young and old the more we realise our depth of experience counts for something. We know there are others proposing sites along similar lines. They see the 'opportunity' as we do, however, few will actually end up doing anything about it, that's life. Can you help by donating money? Or coming on board as an angel investor perhaps? We always wanted a serious BDSM dungeon, and first talked about it in 2009. Last year it became a reality, as we found finance and expertise to build a facility second to none in the North East. Similarly back in the 1980s Geeze saw the potential in Stretch Limmos; It took 8 years & a divorce to find the money and to get started in 1996. The business was a success from Day 1 and traded for 5 years before being sold on to a merchant banker, just before VOSA and the environmentalists waded in and effectively killed the industry. We have a track record of getting where we want to be, eventually!  With your help we could build an Adult Sex Work site which could be light years ahead of the competition. It would link reliable & GENUINE PUNTERS to  committed and experienced SERVICE PROVIDERS aka escorts, away from the public gaze and under the radar of UK Government. What's not to love? Email or call 07756-209560 if you feel like getting involved, Thanks guys!

PS: We've got a mini tour coming up next week: Saturday 15th August - Monday mid morning we're in Lincoln, From 3PM Monday until late Tuesday night we're close to the M25 at Barnet, Hertfordshire. Call to book a dirty fun time on 07981-726237


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© fun50couple 2020