fun50couple face of the brand at ChristmasDECEMBER 2024

Hello sexy friends and followers and a belated Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to y'all. So we reach the end of another year, a year in which I've struggled to find time to write NEWS VIEWS & SCREWS more's the pity, however, its a case of prioritizing. The master plan to sell Darlington Dungeon and build back better once we'd raised additional finance is advancing well. There are premises locally for sale that would suit, however, we're holding off for now, due to uncertainties surrounding taxes and business rates following 'Rachel From Account's' autumn budget. It would seem the bulk of British Business is doing the same, with layoffs accelerating & investment stalling. We've two negative quarterly GDP prints now, so it remains to be seen what will transpire in 2025. What we do know is Trump secured a second (his third if truth be known) victory across the Pond. So far, fingers crossed, the transition's going smoothly, & from what friends over there tell me, there's a palpable sigh of relief country wide. Why? Because Trump puts Americans first, and has no truck with the liberal woke agenda, DEI, or ESG for that matter. It's sad that the majority of British Public have a deep seated hatred for DT, based mainly on what they've been fed by the MSM. One shouted his mouth off the other morning while I was taking the car in for service.... 'Trump's an idiot' he thundered while listening to me airing deep concern over a possible Harris victory to my friend the mechanic. It reminded me of an occasion years ago, when a child relation, a boy of about 9 yelled 'Trump's going to start the Third World War' at a summer barbeque in Scotland. The outburst received rapturous applause, and revelations that 'they know' (the children that is).... and I'm sure they think they do.... being fed daily misinformation by partisan left leaning teachers. But let's not get too political. I suppose I SHOULD have wished you all 'Happy Holidays' instead of Merry Christmas because even THAT's political nowadays... all these matters are contributing to shaping our decisions over where/how/when/what we do with regard to our next Commercial Adult Industry Venture. So keep subscribing for further news, we appreciate it!

Oft times, the best made plans of mice and men are thrown into disarray. What initially seemed straightforward, gets blurred. We never dreamed that we'd be wondering in the medium term (2030 and beyond #NetZero) whether punters would have freedom of movement, access to a car or second car, whether they'd be able to pay in cash, or (in the case of Zoomers) whether they would even WANT to seek sexual services on a professional basis. Offsetting these concerns is a new awareness... knowledge gained from working three years full time in crypto and stocks now promising to bring in income far in excess of what the sex industry's capable of. Unless of course you're AdultWork. I'm reliably informed they're now raking in over a million £££ A DAY on the back of personal service providers who they force (in effect) to bend the knee. How so? I'll give you examples. Few punters realise that escorts have to pay, and pay handsomely to get promoted by the site. True, it's FREE to advertise, but you're never found if you're a basic listing, with no contact details & no availability showing. Since Convid, they've doubled and in some cases tripled fees. Private messages are no longer private... they're filtered and censored all in the name of 'Online Safety' you understand. It costs upwards of £300 a month to advertise effectively on there now, PER PROFILE. For solo females it's way higher...IF you want the maximum chance of being found. You may have noticed that scores of other platforms copy & paste AW profiles into their own sites.... which causes continual aggro with men who call us thinking we're in London, or Birmingham and find we're not. We used to think it was catfishing, but now we know better. It happens because escorts unwittingly allow AW to sell profiles en bloc to these other operators... long story short, they've gained a total monopoly in the UK online escorting space. Some of you may have wondered what happened to my Tees Valley Master profile on there. Its vanished. Why? They notified me that they 'doubted my authenticity'. AFTER TEN YEARS!!!!!!!! They asked me to provide new proof of verification; I completed their form, scanned my driving license and submitted a mugshot of me holding a bit of paper with a number and a date on it. But that wasn't good enough either. I was sent another list of demands... they wanted me to buy a local newspaper and show me holding it in a particular location I KID YOU NOT. So I deleted the profile and joined TWO THOUSAND OTHERS who've done the same since 2020. Do they care? Apparently not. Too big to fail I guess, but I'm at least secure in the knowledge that 'what goes round comes around'. Eventually they'll fall. I foresaw this back in 2014 & that's when I build our first website. We now have SIX and most of 'em rank well, with one in particular bringing in significant business.

It turned out the real reason they doubted my authenticity is because we commit the heinous crime (in their eyes) of using a Virtual Private Network to access the internet which protects our privacy and trading positions. That's why, when you see our AW profile it often says we're 'accessing from Ireland' when we use an Irish connection. We do this to use services which might be legal & available only in the EU, but not here in the UK post Brexit. This leads punters to think we're out of the country, so on top of the massive fees & the continual threats, we also suffer a drop in trade. AW delete any text which we provide to punters explaining why we're showing in Ireland when we're really in the North East. By the way, if you're in Florida reading this, the state's proposing a ban on 'PornHub' so the way to get around it is use a VPN... turn it on to whatever country you like, and the internet you'll be presented with will be that of the host country. So a Floridian could switch to a UK host and get their daily dose of porn via a channel in London or Manchester AND they'd see the same Google SERPS pages as we do here.

It's not all doom and gloom though. Other sites, at long last, are gaining favour. One in particular is interesting in that it started years before AdultWork but fell into disrepair due to lack of interest and time on the part of the owner. He's since woken up, firing on ALL CYLINDERS and then some. His name is Eddy, he's based overseas and he runs He's working night and day modernising the site. I've got to know him a bit via private emails. You wouldn't believe the obstacles he's having to overcome with regard to banking and trading, but overcoming them he is, one by one. The site's super fast, fair from a fees point of view, and easily found. His SEO must be spot on, because he's right up there in the listings and escort numbers are growing at a fair rate of knots. So if you're looking for escorts other than us, bookmark him; I forecast he'll go far. Another site of note challenging the status quo is Erobella. We're also upgrading our profile on Punterlink.

You may remember me telling you about the miserable geek I employed as a full stack developer when we were in Darlington. Very able he was when it came to webdev, but that's where it ended. ZERO personality, ZERO common sense & he couldn't drive either; not the kinda guy that lights our fire, nevertheless he did a decent job. We discussed back then building an alternative to AdultWork but decided against it, even though plans/wireframes got to an advanced stage. In hindsight I should probably have pulled the trigger on it; I backed building a social enterprise site instead, which is currently mothballed. The reason I mention this is although I applaud the likes of Eddy and Erobella in their escort site endeavours, there's nothing new about their approach. Its same old same old. What's really needed is VISION & FORESIGHT....I'm trying not to blow my own trumpet here, but I had that in Darlington during discussions with the developer. I still do, but I don't really need the hassle. What I think, is the world's going 100% digital and while doing so it's steadily getting sanitised. Like it or not, the day's coming when there will be no cash by which I mean 'the folding stuff'. That leaves us with choices regarding anonymous payment... barter or digital cash in the form of privacy coins or anonymous wallets, truly anonymous ones I mean. Most of those terms are totally over the heads of 'the fold' FOR NOW. But, as Larry Fink says (I loathe the man) regime change has to BE FORCED upon people; am I right or am I right that this is what we're seeing happening.... the likes of Starmer, Gates, Charlie Boy (in the background) working in lockstep and INCREASINGLY GETTING AWAY WITH IT. You can see where this is going. What's needed imao is a tokenised escorting portal, turning the current 'business model' on its head, designed with TOMORROW's demographic and TOMORROW's playing field in mind, not the one we have now. It would mean the site struggling a few years to gain traction, however, it would emerge in the 'brave new world' aka the WEF's version of Utopia, a leader not a follower. (assuming of course that Web3 succeeds in becoming a truly decentralised internet). America at least, has reacted, angrily and decisively. They've applied the brakes to the 'woke' movement, & are stopping it in its tracks. Same with globalism. I'm not hopeful that will happen here. We're an urbanised nation apt to 'do as we're told', to comply and be 'tolerant'. Outside of the conurbations of East & West Coast US the country's more rural, more independent hillbilly or redneck, & way more patriotic than us. They've guns, they've got Amendments, & they're not inclined to take so much shit, unlike your average Joe this side of the Pond. Yes I know a lot of folk keep opinions to themselves, to 'live & let live' but we were warned about a lot of what's happening now DECADES AGO. Those warnings were ignored, vilified even. I see the same thing happening now, especially on social media, the 'de facto' news brought to you by citizen journalists, who've risen to prominence as people lose faith in main stream media controlled by so called 'elites'. Farage is an example of this. He's either hated or adored... funny how strong leaders always have that effect.... he's forever warning of us what's going on, and what's likely to happen. For a good percentage of us what he says is nothing more than common sense, however, it seems he's got an uphill struggle, and I'm not convinced he or his party are going to 'save us'. Here ISN'T America. All I can say is I agree with Camel Finance (one of my fave YouTubers) who's trademark slogan is... 'What a wild time to be alive!'



Three things I'm going to touch on....
The first is Bitcoin. It's passed the $100,000 level but few seem to care. There are still less than one million wallets WORLDWIDE holding more than one whole bitcoin. (950k+ with a drop recently due to profit taking). People have written it off time and time again, since it's inception, then when it crossed $1 for the first time in 2011, $10, $100, $1000, $10,000 and at every peak and trough since. BUT, £100k Bitcoin is validation that Bitcoin IS SOMETHING. Institutions lead by Blackrock, private companies like MicroStrategy (now public, MSTR), governments and even pension funds are seeing the light.... a growing recognition (although anyone whose studied history knew this all along) that existing financial systems based on fiat currencies are FAILING. Bitcoin can't be stopped, it's financial freedom. The book 'The Bitcoin Standard' is in record demand as people get curious... worried they're going to be left behind. I would hazard a bet that 95% of readers are cynical... 'it's worth nothing' 'it has no intrinsic value' 'I'll stick to property' 'or gold' blah blah. Your choice, but one things for sure, 2025 is gonna be wild. Million dollar bitcoin Here. We. Come.

Second thing is health. We're so busy with trading and escorting we seldom go out, and rarely rub shoulders with others except in meetings. It works for us... but with Christmas approaching we needed to go & get stuff... nothing major because we're not particularly materialistic. So a couple of times we got early starts, which meant breakfasts out. We have little trust in supermarkets and use them only for the basics, preferring to buy from local farm shops & butchers for much of what we eat. Even more so now we've got Gates meddling with British agriculture not to mention the Bovear nonsense. A couple of the farm shops have decent cafe's. When you don't associate with groups much and you only mingle with them once in a while, you spot things. Its almost like we're outsiders looking in, which to a degree we are. What struck us both just before Xmas was how unhealthy people looked. Three quarters or more were overweight; we're used to that & it doesn't necessarily mean they're unhealthy, but the faces were the most telling. Very few of them had any colour... they were pallid & stressed. At one place there were over a hundred folk sat at tables. Out of that number there was barely a handful with any decent complexion. You'll likely say I'm talking rubbish and you don't see that at all... but perhaps you're among them, constantly, so you don't see the decline; its insidious. There's talk in some quarters of government trying to to demoralise us, to break us. Starmer's on record saying 'the public has got too much control, too much freedom' and it 'needs reining in'. Whatever happened to the notion that politicians and councilors are meant to be our public SERVANTS, not our masters. I think Ronald Regan got it right all those years ago, when he said 'The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government & I'm here to help you'.

I also remember an agreement he struck with Gorbachev 'not an inch of NATO advancement to the East' in return for German re-unification & a dismantling of the wall. Hmmmm. Back to health though... we're used to seeing guys in poor shape from living unhealthy lifestyles and we've lost a fair few to cancer in recent years, mainly recurrences. That is baffling(?). Call me crazy, but I DO WONDER if the move by medical practices to appointments only by telephone has something to do with preventing people from waiting in doctor's surgeries. After all, if everyone queued up in the mornings like we used to #backintheday, numbers of visibly sick would be plain to see. Might alarm bells be then ringing? Feel free to label me a tinfoil hat conspiracist. Fact is though, most of those 'conspiracies' we've marched in support of since 2020..... have come true. #FoodForThought

Third thing on the agenda is 'letting go'. I had written a full scale blog post on this but accidentally deleted it with the Tees Valley Master profile on AdultWork. It hadn't been published.  I don't know about you, but every now and then I feel a need for a MAJOR RELEASE. I believe there's some merit in the theory that carrying a heavy load (in ones balls) for extended lengths of time can become wearisome to the point of serious fatigue. Not that I don't cum regularly, I do. But there's cumming, and there's CUMMMMMMMMMING isn't there. For some people it gets mechanical... they jerk off quickly, job done, back to vanilla life. Others need more. Much more. I suppose a good many folk never feel the need or desire to explore; good wholesome people who like to live 'normal' lives whatever that might mean. It takes all sorts. Some of those folk if you told them they could experience explosive, earth shaking orgasms, so intense they're off the scale, few would bother, either through apathy or fear. To be fair, there are large numbers of people who don't see SEX as overly important, necessary, or as a significant contributor to healthy living.

When I talk about a MAJOR RELEASE, I mean bringing the body to the point where it's shaking uncontrollably, for lengthy periods, edging to the point of eruption, in every sense of the word. Over the years I've honed skills that deliver ever more intense sessions for me, SOLO. What's remarkable, after thirteen years full time escorting, is that I've only seen similar orgasms in men on a handful of occasions. What I want to do, more as a Master than an escort, is to give men these experiences, not 'to order' in the full sense, but as near as. I know that's unrealistic, and that's the purpose of this piece.... so why is it unrealistic? Its because men don't let go. This has been brought more sharply into focus since we set up the SeriousKit penis milking in North East Englandmilking machine, and before that with Electrostim's 2B. We're more cautious these days over who we offer these services to, reason being people panic. They don't/won't get their heads in the right space, and as I've shared with you over and over in the past, fact is THE BRAIN's the biggest sex organ. When we fire up the milker, it de-pressurises the cylinder, we lube the cock and the inside of the tube while waiting, then gently suck you into the tube. Often it draws the penis in quite quickly, and noisily. There's no pain, but undeniably there's strength in the unit. You're left in no doubt IT MEANS BUSINESS. Sometimes there's minor discomfort at the base where it rests on the pubic mound. We're addressing this in January with a 'comfort flange' newly developed by SeriousKit. What we've come to realise is that seasoned kinksters are the clients of choice for SeriousKit milking, and intense electro for that matter. Pretty soon we'll be combining them both with new electrotubes. The reason I say that, is they are people who know to relax, to engage the brain, and to put TRUST in the dominant. After all, that's the whole foundation of BDSM, trust. And yes, we get it: Mr Average bi-curious man isn't in that league. Maybe one day, but not normally from the off. The minute the milker pulls them into the tube, despite whatever we tell them, a lot of guys panic; it trips a switch, and they're going NOWHERE, fast. The trick is, you stay with it, you put your trust in your dominant, you close off the outside world and you focus on kinky thoughts & desires, nothing else. A blindfold can help, though most guys reject that because they're fascinated watching their dick grow bigger than ever from the suction. In many cases a guy will fall just short of the level of arousal needed to finally CUM, and they give up, saying 'it's not gonna work, but hey, we tried it'. The trick is, as with electrostim, to use that first level as a step. Allow the feeling to dissipate, stick with it and it will return, but next time the arousal level is a little higher. Rinse and repeat. You want to aim to get there without any forcing.... that is the way to a MAJOR FULL BODY ORGASM. Same goes with the estim; allow the dominant to almost exceed your limits, take it down a notch, HOLD, then rinse & repeat... climbing the scale. You'll get to levels you never thought possible. It's like A Stairway To Heaven! A lot of guys don't get past 25% power; if they relaxed, put trust in their dominant, switched off the outside world, switched on to their kinkiest craziest fantasies, sharing them vocally perhaps, they'd progress...onward and upward... to that Holy Grail of climaxes, the FULL BODY ORGASM. I'm telling you this because I truly want to deliver these experiences to clients. If its something you're genuinely interested in, & you're not averse to shelling out for a two or three hour session, then don't be backward in coming forward. I would love to meet you. (


Fun50Couple-SCREWS (featuring the many faces of the Minx) 

Image of North Sea oil rig in bad weatherNow let's meet John from Stockton-On-Tees. John's a long time client, a kind of irregular regular because he works extended periods of time offshore. We see a lot of offshore workers, in oil, gas and wind. All trades too from a humble (but very necessary) laundryman, to engineers, electricians, service technicians, geologists, seismologists, not many drill crew I have to say, and with Starmer there'll be none of those fine gents AT ALL, not in home waters anyway, as he and his motley crew vandalise British Industry in the name of NetZero. The Brent Charlie platform is beached just now locally at Able Seaton Port, thirty thousand plus tons being dismantled for scrap. It's a sad site, epitomizing the decline of Great Britain.... an industry discovered, exploited and terminated prematurely due to dogma, all in less than a lifetime. Nothing new of course... the same kind of thing happened in them thar hills a hundred and fifty years Britain in decline, Brent Charlie at Able Seaton portago.... when our local Pennine area teamed albeit briefly, with lead mines killed off in the name of 'progress', political ideologies or both. People say 'history repeats itself; it doesn't, it RHYMES. A more accurate statement would be 'emotions repeat themselves......' based usually on fear or greed. I despair often, at how shallow so many people are, taking things at face value.... and not taking the time to Do Their Own Research. 'But I have no time' I hear them cry.... so make some! And while you're at it, pitch out the telievision & #DefundTheBBC like millions of others. The tides beginning to turn. 2025's going to be a TUMULTUOUS year for sure and probably for all the right reasons.

Offshore workers are a tough bunch of people. On rigs, drill ships, support vessels & the like, the emphasis is on WORK & not much else. Porn's blocked, mobile phone communication is regulated, and its a dangerous environment FULL STOP; never mind whether you're deep down inside in catering or a control room, or at the sharp end on the drill floor, on deck, or God forbid hundreds of feet underwater as a sat diver. I've seen them all in action, and worked on the drill floor myself for several years as a roustabout, then roughneck, assistant derrickman, and finally a tong operator and casing stabber for Weatherfords. I lifted this clip from TikTok; it's a true representation of what its really like....  been there, got the tee shirt, and if I was called upon to do it all again, I would, willingly...

I've worked on ships, jack up rigs, platforms, & semi-submersible exploration rigs in many countries, as well as land rigs in the Sahara. I have an affinity with these guys, and so by extension, does Minx. Offshore people know straightaway I'm the real deal and not just bullshitting about the life, since I'm apt to talk the walk (I meant it that way lol) as a past worker myself. As an aside, many of them these days tell us about vast fields of wind turbines beyond horizons offshore, including numerous defunct installations. Turbines last 20 years at best... madness, out of sight and out of mind, but ticking the virtue signaling boxes for Westminster. Same goes for recycling.... they've shut all the coal fired power stations down and now rely on wood pellets when the wind's not blowing. What they don't tell you is the wood pellets don't burn properly, so they have to pump in kerosene to keep the lights on, WILD TIMES TO BE ALIVE.  Unsurprisingly  we're now the most expensive place in THE WORLD for electricity.... can you believe that! Talking of which, we power our playroom equipment now from the sun, via solar panels feeding into a Eco Flo power unit. I've set it up so I can learn more about the reality of solar power, in expectancy of our move to the wilds, where we hope to be off grid and self sufficient, sticking two fingers up to AUTHORITY and overreach, fingers crossed. Back to John though. He's worked for the same firm for twenty five years. He's in his mid forties, fit body wise as you'd expect, and heavily tattooed. His legs are now 100% inked, as is most of his back, and both upper arms. He's a chargehand on deck, supervising a small team of men; I won't reveal what trade exactly, suffice to say, it's one of the most arduous. So the guy works AND plays hard, to the EXTREME. He first approached us years ago as a young Millennial. Over a period of twenty five months he sent us endless messages, sharing with us his fantasies. And that's what they remained, fantasies, as he failed to show, fed us endless excuses for cancelling at short notice... common enough, but irksome too. We kinda 'get it' though...even outwardly tough guys like him, or military people we see, when it comes to taking their kit off & having SEX with can be a BIG STEP. It's all too easy as sex workers to dismiss the fear, but in reality, it pays to put ourselves in their shoes from time to time, and REFLECT. Over time, we reeled him in, however, it's unfair for us to take all of the credit... alcohol and a wee bit of Charlie played their part too, meaning the times we hooked up were those times he felt relaxed enough to throw caution to the wind. He's also a bit of a subbie too. Subbies can be HARD work, not so much if we're booked in our roles as Mistress or Master, rather when we're engaged as escorts in an MMF MFM or Voyeur scenario. Things are never straightforward with submissives.... they want 'different', they want 'complicated', so with John its a case of fitting him in at precise times (but with him giving us barely an hour's notice); he'll want another player to join us; Or he'll order us what to wear... umpteen messages going into fine detail while the clocks ticking and he's still not made a firm booking by which we mean one backed by a deposit... all the time his window of opportunity is slipping away with his wife expected back at 'x' time... I've lost count of the number of times we've almost had to leave by the back door as she's texted her imminent return. It all adds to the excitement of course as far as our John's concerned. Over the years, we've grown to like him despite his foibles; Meetings with him are always interesting, and FUN too.

At first he was 'bi-curious' and timid. He'd finally got off the fence at the station, and got on the train, turning wishful thinking into 'wish I'd done this years ago'... in short he'd embarked on a sexual journey, it's destination as yet unknown. Playing with a horny couple old enough to be his Mum & Dad wasn't nearly as daunting as he'd supposed. Interacting with another cock though, still was a big step. It needed plenty of encouragement from Minx, a few beers, and a line to get him to cast inhibitions aside, enough for even soft play. Talking of soft.... that's what he is/was, most of the time. He calls us soon after a tour of duty. It takes him 36 hours to acclimatise. First there's the helicopter flight from the platform to Aberdeen, then the train down, followed by re-adjustment to a regular day/night routine instead of just DAYS or NIGHTS. He's usually heavily hung over when we see him, but lucid, and relaxed. Invariably there's porn playing on his TV (which must be at least five foot across) and he's either in a dressing gown or shorts. Quite often there are sex toys strewn on the floor... from small vibes to a fucking machine even. Wifey's not remotely interested in any of it. They've been together for twenty plus years, each living separate lives by consent, like best mates I suppose. It works for them. #DifferentStrokesForDifferentFolks.

Bicurious men are an interesting group. Nearly all are 'straight'. If you're a regular NVS reader you'll know from us featuring the Klein Scale that none of us are ever reckoned to be 100% straight or gay...we're somewhere on a spectrum. Minx identifies as purely straight. Having said that, she knows not to ridicule any notion she might one day be swayed... unlikely and improbable yes, but possible nonetheless. The bicurious men fall into a number of categories. Some admit to same sex experiences at school, as teenagers, or at Uni, sometimes while under the influence, sometimes not. Others have got 'to wonder' after watching porn. They'll browse for anal sex, that leads to double penetration porn and scenes showcasing another cock in an MFM scenario, inevitably the odd MMF shows up & gets viewed out of curiosity, etc etc. 'Cuckold' for reasons I can never fully understand is the most searched for XXX term when it comes to phone sex, and regular porn's not far behind. Bicurious men are often inclined towards voyeurism and cuckold scenarios with them the cuck. They're often guys with small penises, resigned to never really being able to satisfy a woman sexually, either through dick size or ineptitude. Category three are guys who've always been bi inclined but never gotten the opportunity... quite common when it comes to military or workplaces with communal showers, that kinda thing... some men admit to getting turned on in those situations, but never 'go there' for fear of rejection by peers. The fourth category are married guys who feel, or are 'gay' but hide it. They come to us to be their 'authentic selves' if only for an hour or two, tortured souls some of them.

Once they've plucked up the courage & experienced their first tryst, there's no knowing how they'll react. Some freak out the minute they cum, get all embarrassed, throw their clothes back on & leave in haste. They are quite rare though. Others can't wait to do it again. Some love it but fear they've gone way too far, and discipline themselves to 'never repeat it' ever. They'll often succumb to temptation though, when 'the itch' returns, which could be in months, years, decades even. Yes, REALLY. I've heard people say heroin's like that; don't ever touch it because you'll love it and want more, so don't go there in the first place right? SEX for some people can be that powerful. It too can become an addiction. I admit to it shaping a big chunk of my life since school days... for better and worse. Other guys are the kind who wanna try everything 'once'... bucket listers...they enjoy it, then move on. Around 1 in 20 embrace it, mark it as the first stop on a journey, and forever seek more. Wilder experiences, bigger orgasms, kinkier scenarios, thoughts formerly no more than little waves in the brain get revisited, amplified, shared, and lived out. A gay sub the other day told me what a former London Master used to tell him...Sex is a wall of endless opportunities/possibilities, the sky really is the limit, if you remain open to it. Minx & I still think that way... we're forever analysing & discussing MEN, KINK, SEXUALITY and more. Its a life we're both entirely comfortable with & it keeps us young in mind & body. We're most definitely NOT your average late fifties couple, winding down contemplating retirement and time with grandchildren. #OurBodyOurChoice. In fact, we're often shocked, at the poor shape many guys of the same age or younger find themselves in. That's life though isn't it, you make your own luck to an extent...

With John, the first couple of meets were fairly routine MFM's with a little but not much bi action. Pretty soon we realised he was a sub. Sure enough, a few meetings down the line he admitted to feeling he wanted to give us pleasure first and foremost, not the other way around. He knew we were a loved up couple & very sexual. He recognised I was bisexual, and turned on by men AND women. The most recent meet he asked for us just to fuck on his sofa while he watched. Manna from heaven! Although we're having sex with others several times a week, we fuck together less frequently... Minx is forever [playfully] accusing me of 'using every chance...' and she's right. Ha! But after 18 years that's by no means a bad thing right? One of the attractions of blogging by the way is what it teaches you so much... I've always wondered exactly what 'manna from heaven' really meant, though I did know it was 'the right thing at the right time'. Take time to check out this fascinating link which explains all... and very apt for our times too; you'll see why #Palestine. And talking of learning I loved this, the other day from David Icke replying to Robbie Williams discussing 'education' mirroring something Einstein said years back...

'I left school at 15 Robbie, to play football & never took a major exam in my life (thank you 'God'). I've written 30 books - some massive. Don't confuse perceptual programming ('education') with intelligence (expanded consciousness). They are not the same and the latter cannot be taught'

Einstein famously said 'The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education!' I think about that a lot, after three years full time study of economics & the crypto space, where it's led me, and promises to lead me in the future. But I digress. Mature female escort fun50minx in North East BDSM playroomThe meeting a month back was probably the eleventh or twelfth time we'd seen John, so we had a good handle on his kinks. Minx is very intuitive, and suspected what John really wanted was a 'naughty neighbours' scenario, IE the kind of roleplay where John spied the couple next door having sex, a couple he's always been interested in for reasons he can't put his finger on [ha!] John conceded to being drawn to porn depicting cream pies... he wondered what it might be like to 'clean up' those sticky messes with his tongue.... as millions of men do, trust me. So she dressed 'normally'. She knew too that there was a remote possibility we might get surprised, by the wife or the daughter turning up unexpectedly. It would be best to appear more 'vanilla'... more like a couple of professional advisors, IFA's if you will, or something similar. She wore low black leather ankle boots, fishnets under shiny black trousers (her ass looks AMAZING in them) worn OVER a sexy & very revealing dress, black satin bra under, and a long grey coat from Monsoon. Sexy but classy.

We drove to his place, parking around the back (he's on a walkway) and proceeded to his front door, casually walking, me with briefcase. There was no answer; we peered through the plantation blinds at the window, but our man was nowhere to be seen, so we returned to the car. Some building workers were making light work of shifting soil, from a garden onto a pickup. It was a cold frosty day but they were in shirt sleeves. We struck up conversation with them... I could see one of them eyeing the Minx, the other kept his head down... quizzing them about how much work they had on, then swapping a couple of tales, we left them to it, and messaged John from the car. He said he'd be back in five. Already the clock was ticking down to his exit deadline. He was paying mind, and he'd already transferred the fee; he's a trustworthy individual, and generous too, as are many subs. Subs often live a life of mental torture, upon themselves. They're golden clients, IF you can put up with their nonsense, their meanderings, their procrastination & unpredictability. That's a big ask at times I can tell you. The second time we knocked, the door opened, just enough for us to squeeze in. As usual PornHub was on... a steamy threesome with lots of howling and acting, and tattoos.... not my/our cup of tea but it beats the drivel put out by the Biased Broadcasting Corporation.

John appeared 'under the influence' but in a dreamy way. He welcomed us, and we followed him into the kitchen. Lighting up a rollup, he stood by the back door, Minx by his side, catching up on news, what he'd been up to, where he'd been and suchlike. Meanwhile I opened the briefcase, ready for if he wanted toys/consumables etc. I felt quite horny having been prewarned about what he wanted to see.

fun50minx mature County Durham escort'What's this?' Minx inquired, fondling the tiny bulge in John's shorts with one hand, while rubbing mine through my jeans with the other. John's forever complaining he's small, and to be fair he is... when he's soft; it's like an inch, buts its a grower... he can get to about four and a half inches hard. If you're scoffing, then think yourself lucky... we go months on end sometimes and see nothing much more than five inches. Only three times or so in thirteen years have we seen a monster 9"+. So don't be comparing yourself to the porn 'stars'. John pushed himself against Minx's hand, the pair kissed, she told me to strip.

'Come on get hard' she ordered me. As an escort, thresholds get raised as time goes by... things that once would have got me hard in an instant no longer work, nevertheless thoughts of fucking Minx while being watched by a naked man began to work their magic. Quite soon I was a semi 5 inches, it was waving between my legs, balls heavy from two days of inaction, well I say inaction, we'd had meetings but I hadn't cum... that's what happens, the punter blows his load then it's SWITCHES OFF lol. So very few of them stay to rekindle the fire and go a second round (their loss). John dropped his shorts and started masturbating. I knew he'd be like that for an age... the drink & the drugs would see to that. I didn't really care anyway...he'd paid a good fee, Minx looked hot, I was full on now, almost 7 inches & raring to go...

'Take your time!!!' she chided. Let me tell you, when she exposes her gilf pussy framed by fishnet open crotch tights and she's so obviously wet, then it's difficult not to dive straight in. The sofa in John's living room is fabric... pale cream in colour. Minx lay sprawled in one corner of it, up against the arm. Holding back as she told me to, I knelt down, parted her legs and licked...

'Nicely!!' she sighed, then 'hmmmmmmmmm' and 'Mmmmmmmmmm'and 'get me a towel....'
Rummaging in the briefcase I located the hand towel, rolled up & freshly laundered, a heavy purple rag that had seen it's fair share of cum over time, man and woman. Shoving it under her buttocks I got back to kneeling, alternating between cunnilingus, French kissing and fondling her big breasts. Still kept in check by her bra, they heaved forth... with every movement more of the lily white flesh revealed itself until one tit was completely out, its nipple erect and coloured, ripe for licking. Gone are the days when she would writhe with pleasure from the merest touch... pushing them tight together while re-living in his mind the tit wank she'd given him a week ago, caused her to cry out...

'Fuck me J, fuck me......' Having her still half clothed, me naked and John hovering close felt horny to the extreme. Pushing into Minx felt glorious... She's pretty tight even when wet, and that feeling of foreskin being forced back almost to the point of pain is one I'll NEVER get tired of, what about you? We've always enjoyed being exhibitionists. In point of fact the first escort meeting we ever did was a voyeur experience in a Stirling hotel. I also like fucking on camera too... there's no acting on my part.  In my view, there's nothing worse than contrived scenes or bad acting in porn films; its an immediate turnoff. Once she'd relaxed more I went deep and hard... pounding her for all I was worth. I knew I could last, and last a fair while... that feeling of cream slowly rising to the top manifested itself, in between her panting and my thrusting. I'd worked up a fair sweat. It began to pour off my forehead and onto her body.

'I'm gonna CUUUUUUUUUM'... shouting it out loud, I knew I still had a good two or three minutes left at of the few benefits of advancing years I suppose... control.

'Don't cum inside her!' hollered John... confirmation he wanted a cream pie for sure.... I could see him shuffle forward from the corner of my eye, then felt him get down behind us, up and close. For a moment he had his hand on my balls, cupping them as I fucked. That feeling of him being there took me over the edge and the money shot...

'OOOOOOOOGGH.....AWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE...Oh my god you sexy woman'. I still look at her after nearly 18 years with a mix of love and lust. I'd cum hard, half of it deep inside her soul, the other half deposited neatly on target, slap bang in the middle of her vaginal opening, framed by her labia minora...'lips' to you and me. Even I have to admit it looked super-impressive. Thick heavy white seed, clinging to her like gel. John wasted no time going down on her, feasting on the sticky mess like a man possessed all the time wanking his still flaccid cock. I forgot to mention before, Minx had given him a pair of pink lace panties to wear; he'd put nylons on too, saying he loved the feeling of them against his skin; that's quite common by the way, men in panties and/or nylons. Some wank their cocks through the material.

When he'd cleaned up, we regrouped, standing, hugging. Geeze asked John if he knew how to masturbate like a woman. We'd seen that he had an inclination to be occasionally feminised. Showing him how to push his bell end into his body while still soft and frigging it hard with the flats of two fingers made him feel good, but only briefly. It was time for another 'tab' and a swig of lager from an open can of Fosters in the kitchen. He and Minx shared the smoke by the back door, then returned to the living room. I was repacking the briefcase. We'd delivered what he asked for. Many escorts at that point would leave, however, that's not our style. He's paid for an hour, and only 40 minutes had elapsed. We like to give clients value for money, its the only way to win repeat business. I couldn't help admiring Minx...

'She looks so fucking sexy doesn't she....' She'd put her trousers back on, but the tits were still there, big and bold....

'And I love that flesh, what about you John?'

'Yeah I do' he replied.  That's why I'm sharing this meeting with you. It was so ORDINARY, but titillating too. Minx looked a natural... as the flirty gilf next door with a big smile, big assets & a twinkle in her eye. Wanking harder with the taste of spunk still lingering on his tongue despite smoking the tab, he got ever more horny, evidenced by his cock starting to grow. At last! Minx encouraged him. Fondling her tits she complimented him on his hardness. Would he or would he not get there? I had no doubt. Sometimes you get a feeling during a hot scene, when there's chemistry, friendship, kinkiness & lust, a heady mixture if ever there was one. The very air seems to get sexually charged....its palpable almost.... John got fully erect. He seemed to be mesmerised by Minx's breasts & our dirty talk. Minx forewarned him not to cum on her... but it was too little too late. Letting go with a deep sigh, John shot his load. Contrary to what I'd imagined, he told me it wasn't easy to wank offshore. When I worked there I don't remember masturbating but I do recall having wet dreams repeatedly. It appeared from his ejaculation that he hadn't indulged for some time... His seed was everywhere, and I mean EVERYWHERE. Most of it rained down on Minx's trousers, the white shards looking almost like they were part of the silver pattern woven into the shiny fabric. The rest fell on the sofa. She didn't mind though; don't get me wrong that's not a pass for you to do whatever you like should you visit us... John for all his faults respected us, liked us, and we like him. So it was a case of 'Nae Borther, Happy Days' and out with the wet wipes. Half a packet later, she looked almost presentable, though anyone 'in the know', if Fun50Minx in The Globe, Baker Streetthey saw the damp & faintly milky patches 'would wonder'. The two building workers we'd spoken to earlier came to mind. You never know.....

Men are often asking me...'where do you find people, how do you find others to play with? ' The answer to that is they're all around you, yes YOU! You just gotta pick up on the little signals. A casual rub, a brush with a hand, a nod, a glance, something more obvious even...but the navvies were in their cab now, on lunchbreak. We gave them a wave, wondering if they gave a second thought as to what we were about. Soon after that it was engine on, brake off and homeward bound. We'd got two more meets over the next couple of days, one of which was a significant 'first' for us, Stay Tuned & Happy New Year y'all, cheers!

You subscribe to NEWS VIEWS AND SCREWS to learn more about our crazy life as an Escort Couple. YOUR PLEASURE is OUR BUSINESS as we turn fantasy into reality. #WhatDreamsAreMadeOf! We tell you the way it is….and we thank you for your continued support. Until next time, [New Years Day Special if we can manage it!] take care, Luv, fun50couple xxx

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