One for Voyeur Ladies and Sex Positive Couples

Many men when they come to see us remark on how lucky I am (Geeze) to have Minx as my partner, some-one who’s understanding, liberal, kinky and sex positive. One night recently I found myself saying the same to a guy in South Yorkshire. So I’m going to share the experience here for the benefit…
December Escort Services in London & the North East

Hello sexy friends! We get many requests this time of year from guys who are looking for Escort Services in London & the North East who wanna ‘treat themselves’ for Christmas, and WHY NOT? First and foremost you have to look after NUMBER 1 aka YOU! So where are we going to be? Because we…

We’ve had a brutal couple of weeks with NO-SHOWS we’re sorry to report….even guys who’ve booked through AdultWork have not turned up. So, do we give them bad feedback?….Errr no, we don’t waste our time, besides some of their kind turn the tables and fabricate false reports so we just block them, flag their numbers,…
#Bi Visibility Week 23rd-30th September

Did you know that Sunday September 23rd is Bi Visibilty Day and marks the beginning of Bisexual Awareness Week 2018? It’s a subject close to our hearts with Geeze fully bi and Minx straight. Mind, it’s acknowledged by many that there’s no such thing as 100% straight, or 100% gay for that matter. Some of…
IT’S SUMMER, What’s going on?

It’s mid June & we’re nearly half way through the Summer! What summer I hear you ask…mainly grey days and cool winds here in the North East, but we DID manage one whole day on the beach. Not that we have a lot of time to spare, since we are busy-busy with FUN-FIVE-0. At long…